Fitting UPVC Windows, A Guideline to installing a new Upvc Window
This guide will help you fit your new Upvc Window whether its a Upvc Casment window, Upvc Sliding Sash window, Upvc Tilt & Turn or a Fully Reversible window.
Step 1) Fitting the new frame
Firstly, remove the old frame. Once the old frame has been removed, brush away any loose debris or cement, leaving a clean opening ready to receive the new frame.
Frame with a cill
If you are fitting a Upvc window frame with a cill, first decide if you are going to run the cill around the brickwork or cut it flush to the finished width of the hole. Thereafter, cut the cill to size with a fine toothed saw to fit tightly back to the inside edge where the old frame sat. Additionally, you may have to remove the tongue of the internal window board first.
Affixing a cill
Once the cill has been cut to size, apply a line of sealant along the cill upstand and across the frame platform at each end. Then screw them together through the bottom frame section along the centre line and into the cill.
Step 2) Insert new Upvc Window frame
Secondly, offer the frame into the opening using a spirit level. Then ensure the frame is level, vertical and not twisted before wedging into position.
Affix new frame
Once the Upvc window fitted frame is level drill through the side of the frame and into the brickwork to a depth just greater than your fixings. Thereafter, fix firmly without distorting the frame sections, using packers to take up any space between the frame and the brickwork. Make sure that the frame is square by measuring the diagonals. Additionally, fixings should be no greater than 600mm apart and 150mm away from any frame joint. Hammer plugs are best, just tap them through the frame, then screw them up with a power driver (just enough to grip firmly, don’t over tighten). Generally, the frame heads (tops) and cills are not fixed. However, on wide frames if you feel the need, make sure you apply a liberal smear of sealant on any fixings that go through the bottom of the frame.
Step 3) How to glaze the new fitted Upvc window
Next, starting with one of the longest beads first remove the glazing beads. Then remove the beads by pushing a sharp chisel or a rigid paint scraper between the bead and the frame joint at approximately the centre point. A sharp tap on the butt of the tool should allow the bead to be freed. Then, it is most important to refit the beads in the same positions as they were removed, they may vary in length slightly, due to the manufacturing process. Next, place into position the glass packers approximately 100mm in from each corner. Be sure to use intermediate packers if the double glazed unit is wider than 1200mm. Thereafter, position the double glazed unit into the frame ensuring correct positioning on the glass packers. Then, starting on one of the shortest lengths fit 3 of the beads moving around the frame using a rubber mallet. Finally, fitting the last bead by bending it into position.
Step 4) How to toe and heel
Thereafter, raise the door or sash on the lock side to the desired height. Additionally, square up with the door frame. Then, on the hinge side place the packers at the bottom corner, while on the lock side the packers go at the top (opposite) corner. Next, place a dab of silicone under the packers on the door sides to stop the packers dropping. Additionally, it is advisable to use a glazing shovel when lifting the glass or panel. Finally, the packers should be placed approximately 150mm from the edge of the frame.
Toeing and heeling
The UPVC-U doors and opening windows (sash) are heavy. Although, the dead weight is supported on the hinge side when it is opened, there is nothing on the lock side to support the weight. Therefore without the procedure of toeing and heeling the door will drop on the handle side. Furthermore, to prevent a door or sash dropping, the glass or door panel should be braced diagonally corner to corner. Then, by the insertion of plastic packers slipped in the gap between the glass or panel and frame.
Step 5) Upvc Window hinges & locking mushroom cams
Generally, the Upvc window hinges require no adjustment. However, should you wish to adjust the tension on the friction stay. To achieve this screw the brass screw, then set in the black plastic pad. This can be done in or out to increase or decrease the tension. Then, access the adjustment screw by opening the vent.
Door hinges
You can adjust door hinges in three planes. Vertically, horizontally and in/out. To achieve Vertical adjustment use a 4mm AF Allen key via the hole on the side of the diecast cover. Then, horizontal adjustment is by a 5mm AF Allen key in the base of the hinge pin. To access this remove the plastic base cover. Thereafter, you can adjust the in/out hinge plane. Although this plane is rarely necessary. It can be similarly adjusted by turning the eccentric top screw found under the top plastic cover.
Window locking mushroom cams
Then, to adjust the cams on the window locking mechanism use an Allen key that is located in the centre of the mushroom cams. You can turn the eccentric cams by increasing or decreasing the closing pressure of the mechanism. Then, use the Allen key to adjust the cams if you experience difficulty closing the window vent. This happens due to the pressure being too tight and the cams grinding onto the keeps.
Door locking mushroom cams
Thereafter, the cams are eccentric and can be turned to increase or decrease the closing pressure of the mechanism. Use the Allen key to adjust the cams if you experience any over tightness of the door vent. On no account should mechanisms or hinges be adjusted to compensate for incorrect installation or ‘toe and heeling’ of the glass. Carry out adjustments only after you are certain that the installation has been carried out correctly. Should you request a service call and any of these instructions have not been applied, a charge will be made. Provided that you have observed the instructions in this leaflet, your windows and doors will provide you with years of trouble free service with only the occasional oiling of moving parts being necessary.
Step 6) Fitting Upvc Windows Completion
All that remains is the cleaning of the frames and then sealing them. Then clean the frames with clean soapy water, or a non-abrasive cleaning cream for stubborn marks. Then clean the frames and working area. Thereafter, seal the frames inside and out with a silicone sealant, alternatively use a painters caulk but inside only. Using a thin opening of the nozzle, apply a thin continuous seal by squeezing the skeleton gun trigger with an even pressure. At the end of the stroke, press the release mechanism to stop the pressure. Keep the nozzle clean. Do the same outside but you may need to widen the nozzle by cutting it back. To do so make a clean sloping cut with a sharp knife for easier Upvc window installation. You can also use masking tape for neatness, removing before the sealant sets. Smooth out the sealant by using a finger dipped in soapy water.
Upvc Windows Installation
Price our standard Upvc windows via the online calculator including your choice of glass. Additionally, you have the option of including an external cill, depending on how you are installing the Upvc window. Therefore, we offer the frames with factory glaze or if you prefer. Although, the glass typically comes separately for easier installation. Additionally, we’ve provided our suppliers manufacturers warranty guarantee.
Contact Information
We know choosing the right Upvc window can be difficult and that’s why we’re here to help. Contact Us for any questions, quotes, maintenance or delivery options. Additionally, if you are creating a large project and need bespoke sizing please message us here.
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